My roomies! Lindsey, Me, and Catherine!
Me and Catherine!
I totally had bets going that the black whatever type of car would win... and it did! Too bad we weren't betting with money! :)
My roomies! Lindsey, Me, and Catherine!
Me and Catherine!
I totally had bets going that the black whatever type of car would win... and it did! Too bad we weren't betting with money! :)
Everyone was just chillin on the bridge wondering who would be the first to jump in... Brad jumped in first then everyone followed suit... its kinda like when one sheep jumps off a cliff, all the other sheep will follow... however, when one person jumps of a bridge.. everyone jumps off the bridge :)
Lindsey, me, and brad... both lindsey and brad had jumped into the lake.. but since I was fully clothed.. Jeans, tshirt I hadn't jumped in... So I asked Brad if I could push him in the lake and he was like no... I was all you can push me in.. me thinkin that I would run for dear life once i pushed him in... so he agreed. So he climbed over the bar and i was getting ready to push him... So I climbed under the bar and held on ... then pushed him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me in anyways... I jumped a little bit as well... The water was FREEZING!!!!! so I come out of the water and the current catches me as I'm swimming to the edge... current and wet jeans do not mix... so i'm trying to warn everyone that my pants are about to be ripped off by the current ... but I made it out of the lake... pants and all :)
Tyson and Brad were doing fairly well and were in the lead... then Tyson jumped out of the boat to touch the other side of the lake... When he went to get back in the boat.. he ripped a hole in the bottom and they sunk rather quickly... they came in second place.
Our kitchen is tiny! It's kinda messy at the moment.. but we just haven't finished unpacking all of our dishes and put them away yet... but everything works out fairly well... we bought a garbage can to put in our kitchen because it wasn't provided and the little sacks that we all had from walmart weren't working out so well...
This is our little dining table and the garbage can.. the door on the left is our guest bathroom... i forgot to take a picture but I had a I got locked in the bathroom, because the lock is kinda retarded and once you lock the door it will somewhat jam and it is hard to get it unlocked and you have to turn the doornob like every possible way to get it open and pull at the same time... mom I now know how it feels to be locked in the bathroom... its not very fun...
This is Lindsey and Catherines room...
This is our bathroom... Lindsey and I bought a shower curtain yesterday because they old one when you turned the shower on would suction itself to your body... it was a pain in the butt... so we got one that suctions to the wall and it is so much more effective to take a shower. The shower head is also really low in the shower... so I will just sit down and wash my hair instead of having to squat really low... I might as well just sit on the floor! :D
This is my room! My bed is the purple and black one... Jessica's is the other bed... Lindsey and I put my bed up on the cinderblocks so I can store my shoes and purses under my bed and not take up any additional space that needs to be taken....
So we decided to make cupcakes yesterday morning in order to meet the boys around the complex... yes a brilliant plan... but we didn't have anything to scoop the cupcake batter with so we just grabbed a ladle and it worked out so well.. who needs a special cupcake batter scooper when you can use a ladle?
Our neighbor brandon was demonstrating how well of a lamp he could be... we don't have any lights in our living room just two lamps that have to be plugged into a special plug and the light switch has to be turned on.. its very interesting...
So funny story of how we met Brandon... and his roommate Trever....
So Jessica, Lacie, and I came home from school one day to go swimming but lo and behold the swimming pool was closed for cleaning... so we just went to the top of the swimming pool because there is like a deck area up there to sit and socialize with people... so Lacie goes out into the sunlight.. because unlike jessica and I she can tan... so all of a sudden you hear these blinds open and this kid just starts laughing like how ironic that he opened his blinds while we were all sitting up there... so he didn't want to be mean so he just left them open and played on his computer... So later that night some guys from another apartment were making hot dogs so we went over and got free dinner... and met all of them... then we went out later when everyone was done and was coming back from off the deck... and we were talking to this kid because his shirt said USU soccer team and we were like oh you're on the soccer team.. so we started talking to this kid and we found out what apartment he was in and it donned on us that this was the kid in the window.. then we all started lauging because of how ironic it was that we met... so we all watched a movie and made a walmart run to get some tic tacs because we had eaten all of them...
So his roommate... so jessica and i got back from our tuesday night classes and we were craving some chicken sandwiches so we go to open the mayo and I could not get the bottle open for the life of me... so I was like jessica open this.. so she couldn't open it... and our roommates were out for the night... so i was like man I need a guy right now.. so through the pool windows I could see a couple guys just walking down the sidewalk... so i take off running out of my apartment and was like .. Hey!... will you open this for me? ... they looked at me really weird like i was just kidding or something.. and the one kid that was opening the bottle for me couldn't get it open either so I was like ha.. look at me weird again... so jessica lost her keys the next morning so she took my keys.. but i took the apartment key because I thought I would be home first... but she was home first and so she went and sat on the deck thing... same thing the kid opened the window and jessica was looking at him and then he eventually came up there and talked to her... so he was brandon's roommate and jessica was texting me that she met the kid with the mayo ... i was all that's embarrassing... so I have met the two neighbors through fairly significant embarrasing moments...